The Silent Killer for Online Entrepreneurs
The Silent Killer for Online Entrepreneurs- Join me live!
The Silent Killer for Online Entrepreneurs- Join me live!

As we all know, mindset is

pretty much number one

when it comes to being successful as an online entrepreneur. We also know that

investing in yourself

to grow as a leader, coach or in your skills online is also essential.

So why do so many entrepreneurs fall short in this area and end up feeling depleted and uncertain with what to do next? Why are there so many coaches leaving the industry after 2 short years…or less?

It really all comes down to a simple comparison:

cost versus investment.

When this slight mind shift is activated, so much

is available to move forward and stress and fear fall away.

hat I have seen is that success comes for those who understand this concept deeply and when they make a business based purchase, rather than asking,

"How much does it cost"

, they are driven to ask,

"How much am I going to maximize the return on my investment?"Now, THIS is where action really happens! 

Check out what I had to say

on the subject

right here


The silent killer for any online entrepreneur is

the cost of NOT investing in yourself when you should be.

Not sure if this is you?

Watch my training here to find out.

Be sure to comment below and let us know where this

silent killer

has shown up in your own life!

Ready to do things differently in 2017?

Living Brilliance Mastermind

takes off on January 16th and Im so excited to get started with these brilliant ladies!

If you are ready to take hold of 2017, and follow your dreams then we want to hear from you! Find out more

right here

and book a time to talk to have all your questions answered!

Much Love,


PS- Surprise! We have decided to extend the bonuses for 2 extra days!

Final day for Bonuses is THIS THURSDAY

…and did I mention that includes free access to our

full book launch program

this year? Thats right- we want to see you publish in 2017!

More here!

Happy New Year! ( Conscious Gift Inside)

That special time has come upon us again dear ones!Each year we get to make a new choice- a new commitment and new possibilities! It is a pleasure to start the new year off with YOU- an inspired, conscious being! Let me take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment to your own purpose and creation!

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This year my commitment is to share JOY in all of the spaces other beings are creating energy, to BE joy even when it is difficult, and to live joy in my life, my relationships and my business. 🙌 

May each and every one of you have a fun filled new year – success, abundance, love… And much much joy!

XO Happy New Year!

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ps- Join me as I offer the gift of silent mindful intention in the Conscious Coaching Entrepreneurs FB Groupon New Years Day at 10 am PST as I will be leading up in a new years mediation and intention setting :)

The World needs You- THIS MUCH!

Happy New Years Beautiful Ladies!I am taking time this week to re-fuel and am really relishing in the gifts of 2016!


Wherever you are in the world, I hope you’re all taking some time to unwind before the weekend’s celebrations, and as you do, I invite you to join me in looking back at the inspiring videos, conscious trainings and engaged conversations that brought us together in 2016 in the Conscious Coaching Entrepreneurs FB Group.

As you get ready to ring in the New Year, I want you to focus on what you HAVE accomplished this year.

Remember that where you’re at is exactly where you need to be, and be PROUD of who you are.

You have all of 2017 to do whatever it is you’re meant to do.

So for now, soak it up and take inventory. Pull out your journal and make a list. How are you different than you were last year? What have you experienced? What have you created? What have you learned? What blessings have you received that you are so deeply grateful for?

I believe you get more of what you focus on, so make sure you ring in the New Year knowing how important you are, how much you are loved, and how much the world needs what you have to offer. I look forward to rocking out together in 2017.

See you in the new year!

All My Love,


P.S. Make your success a non-negotiable. The Living Brilliance Mastermind has just a few spots left for the women who are ready to go for it. Only 2 weeks left to join us!! Get the details >>

I heard Something Ridiculous Today…

Beautiful conscious ones- did you catch me live in the CCE Facebook GroupToday?Im wondering because I was a bit fired up about something I have been hearing around the ethers regarding online success. One woman actually shared that most people don't believe its actually possible to make money as a coach and have the freedom lifestyle we all so deserve!

I had to think about this for a moment because the truth is I know its possible- and I am someone who had to show up, and do the work to get there. 

I remember what it was like.

I remember coming home from my 9-5 and working evenings and weekends. I remember putting out thousands of dollars in training and mentorship. I remember throwing myself into personal development and mastering the skills necessary to be a good coach and the confidence to go with it. I remember wanting to quit at times and continuing to show up and take the next right action, and get the help I needed. 

I remember this well. And Im here to tell you: Its worth it. Its absolutely worth it and it can actually be fun when you are so committed to your vision that you feel lit up when you wake up each day ready to serve in a vibration that feeds your soul. You see, this whole deal starts with that massive vision, and then you simply take the next step, and then the next step. There is never the "perfect time" to dive in. And truthfully, none of us would ever be here if we waited until we were fully ready, had total confidence or total clarity or new exactly how to accomplish the goal!

Jump over and catch my live video on this juicy topic right here!


So let me ask you something- what if it WERE possible to have the life you have been dreaming of in 2017? To make 6 figures? To travel the world? To serve in a way that lights you up every day? How would that feel in your body?

Your desires are there for a reason- they are there to guide you towards your truth and they are waiting of you to step in fully and claim them now! When I made the decision to step in with two feet FULLY, my business turned around. I mean like a complete 180! It is for this reason I have createdLiving Brilliance Mastermindwhich balances personal development and online marketing tools so that you learn the essential steps to building a thriving practice online, and are able to maintain this longterm, attract high paying and high vibration clients and business partners and enjoy the freedom this business can bring!

Living Brilliance Mastermind starts on January 16th and only have a few spots left!

This intimate mastermind will be no more than 10 people and it is at the lowest price I have ever offered a coaching program before!

Why? Because I want it to be available to anyone who is getting started in the online space, or who has been around for a while and is really ready to move forward this year and do things differently! I want to make this possible for anyone who has the attitude and determination to show up fully for themselves!

This program is about becoming the best version of yourself you can be!

Fill out an application and lets chat to see if it is in fact a fit for you. You deserve it all conscious one. You deserve every bit of it and its all here for the taking. Its up to you now to come and claim it.

Are you ready to make 2017 your year? Are you ready to join us for a journey that will change your life for good? Apply here: Living Brilliance Mastermind

Hope to see you Inside Soon,

Shelley :)

PS- Only 7 more days to claim the biggest bonus of all: A free pass to my online program launching this Spring: "How to leverage your business by writing and publishing you First Book!"

Love to you and Yours This Holiday Season

Dearest One,I want to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy holiday season and to thank you for being a part of the growing conscious community of coaches that continues to inspire and amaze me every day!

I thank you for opening these message and for showing up for you. It takes something to do that-  and know that you are on your way to having all your heart desires! Everything you are doing right now is your next step to fulfilling your dreams as a coach and a conscious female entrepreneur!

Merry Christmas to you and yours. May you have a blessed closure to 2016 and an inspired and powerful start to the new year!


I look forward to walking with you as you change lives and share your unique message with the world!

Much Love,


Masterclass Replay: Master Your Message by Understanding Your Values!

Dearest One!Are You Ready to Step into Your Confidence...

To Quite Playing Small and to Make 2017 your BEST Year Yet?


WOW- What an AH-MAZING training call today! BIG thanks to the incredible women that joined in live, you all are truly ready to make a HUGE IMPACT in the world, to become big PLAYERS, to UPLEVEL and to pursue your DESIRES fearlessly!

Check out the Training Recording Here!

And remember.....

Make 2017 the year you decide to give to yourself! To become the BEST version of YOU so that you can truly impact the hundreds of lives around you.

NOW is the time to finally live out your true purpose. Now is the time to step into your feminine power as a confident business owner, and succeed. 

Schedule a call with Shelley to find out more about Living Brilliance Mastermind Now!

This holiday season, step into the bold woman entrepreneur that you really are. Have more questions? Schedule a call today- we are here for YOU.


With love and blessings,

Shelley, x.

P.S. Hurry! Don't miss out on the epic bonus ( a 1;1 intensive with Shelley!) that comes along with enrollment for the Living Brilliance Mastermind,this offer will expire Dec. 23rd!  

The ONE Secret to Success? ( It's not what you Think…)

Make it a non-negotiable. That is really the bottom line when it comes to success in business and achieving those high level goals. I think it's important to understand that everybody goes through ups and downs in their business – whether you are new or have been around the entrepreneurial block a while. It is a journey; obstacles are to be expected and challenges are part of success. Regardless of how successful you are, there were always be obstacles on the path and understanding this and accepting it will make the journey so much more enjoyable!

What makes the struggle much more difficult is to be in ambivalence around goals and what you want in your business and in your life. Making a goal a non-negotiable means that you show up for it no matter what. It means that no matter what comes up along the way, you are 2 feet in, committed and are willing do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Now that is not always an easy place to be… to be this dedicated to something and 100% committed especially if you are not even sure what you want or where you're going and therefore being nonnegotiable is just not possible.

What I see too often is that women in business are not clear about their goals and what they want and therefore they are not in a place of true commitment. When you are negotiating with all of your goals, nothing ever comes easily... Or it doesn't manifest at all.

So the first step is to get really clear on what you want in your business and how you are going to get that. It comes from a place of inner inspiration and motivation and truth. It is about looking deeply into your vision and coming back to that every day until it becomes an obsession from the inside out.

For example, my vision holds deep in that I really believe that we are doing women in business a dis-service  by focusing solely on internet marketing without providing them with the essential personal development and wealth consciousness tools that are essential for growth. Living Brilliance Mastermind 2017 comes from a place of understanding what is needed in the industry, but also of a deep commitment to my vision of empowering women to think better and remove the internal blocks that are getting in their way of business building.

What happens when you get a very clear on your vision is that you start to ask the right questions and inspiration spills from this place.

Instead of wondering how it's all going to happen, you start to think, "OK – how am I going to fill this next webinar?" And you start to hear answers... "OK I'm going to do a challenge,  and I'm going to offer some in depth discovery sessions". Things start to come to you when you get clear and you dig deeper and start asking questions that build momentum and inspired action.

The truth is, when it comes to business there is always a solution but in order to find it and act on it you must raise your own frequency.

Living Brilliance was created from a place of really understanding that to get in tune and to make things happen it is essential to have support, mentorship, and mastermind partners who are really at a high frequency to help you activate the level of solution you're looking for. When you decide you are open to this and ready, the universe always provides.

Here's the thing, there is no need to struggle and push to achieve goals. Yes pain is a part of life but suffering is optional. When you decide to take a stand for who you are and what you want to be then there is a softness that comes then and allows for growth and movement and balance and acceptance. This is where you attract all of your desires and those ideal clients come streaming in! 

Until you make your success a non-negotiable, you’ll spend all your time negotiating, instead of taking action. If you want to say YES, it requires an acceptance that there will always be obstacles and then a commitment to keep moving forward anyways!

Once you’ve affirmed your commitment to your desires, say yes to what you need, get into inspired action to let the Universe know- you mean business!

Living Brilliance Mastermind is over half full and these women are ready to make 2017 a non- negotiable year! The ah-ha's that I have witnessed in orientation this month are already blowing me away!

Are you ready to step in with both feel and make your business…and your desires a non-negotiable for 2017?

Fill out an application here and Learn More!

Much Love,







I Cant Believe What I'm Hearing…

Conscious Ones!Since the doors to my signature program Living Brilliance opened, I’m really surprised at what I have been hearing and truthfully its hard to hear. So many amazing, talented and capable women sharing that they just don’t think it’s possible for them to maintain a successful online business…

“I’m a new health coach finishing up my last few courses and I’m convinced I won’t make any sales and wont attract consistent customers .”

“I’ve just created a course but when it comes to list building and branding authentically, I have no idea where to go from here.”

“I’d like to feel confident that I can make money but I don’t know whether it’s feasible.”

I think back to when I was starting out and Im familiar with those fears. I remember wondering how I would pay my bills, attract clients with all the online competition, and really stand out in the crowd. I worried that I didn't have what it takes..and that maybe it just wasn't meant to happen for me.Whether you’re trapped in the "busy" life of motherhood and a 9-5 job, in debt and struggling to cover your bills from one month to the next, or you’re surrounded by disbelievers who think that the online coaching business world is maxed out,it’s easy to forget what could be possible for you.

Things like:


  • Creating high end programs and packages that sell out because they WORK and waking up to bank notifications because you are making money in your sleep. 

When you are stuck in the 9-5 mindset, and have the old money stories form childhood creeping in, its hard to believe that having a successful online business is more than possible, in fact, its happening for millions.

If you’re reading this email right now, I know its because you are a heart centered, conscious entrepreneur who wants to stop settling and playing small. I know that you are here because you are ready for a bigger game. I think that you know deep down that this freedom lifestyle is available to you..and you may just be wondering: yes Shelley- but how?


The solution is right here.

 Living Brilliance Mastermind is a small, intimate group of high vibe women ready to step into personal mastery and to shine as a coach and online entrepreneur. Its about starting the new year with a decision to make 2017 the year you step into your power fully, own your worth and serve in the way you are meant to- the way that you were born to serve on this planet!

But, you may be wondering, " What is different about THIS Mastermind? I mean…how do I know it can work for me?"

Here’s the thing…there are a whole lot of courses out there these days that talk about systems and structures or “how to” steps and formulas…the problem with those is, they don’t teach you much about real client attraction, how to grow a sustainable business and how to sell. The even bigger issue is that these programs do very little to target the biggest issue of all- the personal development that is necessary to develop a long term, successful business.

Not only that, but having a true sisterhood that understands and is going through the same transformations and up leveling can change everything. Community is so important and masterminds such as this one provide the opportunity to really grow and develop with a tribe who “gets” who you are and where you are going. You don’t need to do this alone!

Be Ready to:

  • Receive all the tools and structures to create a successful online business with clients you LOVE.
  • Feel confident and clear in WHO you are and what you stand for and know what to focus on to get results and to make money.
  • Do what it takes to overcome blocks and old stories that have kept you stuck.
  • Own your worth and re-create your money story so that you are living in brilliance in all areas of your life!
  • Book clients without all of the fear and uncertainty because you’re confident - and you know what you’re doing!
  • Start maximizing your time and create space for things you love by learning to master the feminine and masculine principals of money, time and relationship.
  • Book Discovery Calls with joy and enrol clients with ease and confidence!
  • Create programs and packages that sell and are connected to your unique brand

In Essence Beautiful ones, should you desire, you will be walking away transformed- from the inside out, and will have a business you feel proud of!

Get all the details and enrol here:

LIVING BRILLIANCE MASTERMIND- $100 Discount Ends Dec 23rd!

 Shelley, x.

PS- To qualify for the discount, be sure to join our Conscious Tribe here! : Conscious Coaching Entrepreneurs Facebook Group

What Would it Take for you to Say Yes to YOU?

Dear one, today was a beautiful blue bird (blue skies Canada style) day here in Vancouver and I was reflecting on how amazing 2106 has been. I was thinking about all the mentors and growth I have had this year, all the incredible women I have worked with, their deep discoveries and client celebrations …and bank account wins! And then I got thinking, I want to ask you a question-

Are you someone who always thinks about things for days, weeks and months… that then turn into years? Months and years of NOT living your purpose, of settling for less than you desire and not striving for your dreams and deep wishes?

Do you look for the SIGNS "out there"? Something that will "tell" you it's the right time, right thing, right coach, program?

Now don't get me wrong, I believe in Universal energy, living up to divine frequency and being in flow…BUT I've also learnt to find the signs within me. Ive learned to trust myself, to listen deeply and to hear what my signs are. In fact, Ive learned to create my own signs. My dream life is all about me creating it and guess what?- you get to have that too!

Every single coach who has had success has decided to step up and say YES.

Not just once but over and over again. Now they did not say YES  because they knew what would happen with certainty on the other side, and they did not only say yes when the action was perfect with no chance of failure. They kept saying YES. And they still do! My first 3 years of coaching for example was all YES, but very little success. But I didnt quit! I learnt, I grew and I trusted.You're dream life is available for you too- but only if you decide to trust it. And what comes with trust? Commitment! When you decide and take action quickly you tell the Universe you are all in! Saying YES is more than a step- its a LEAP. Its a powerful statement of I AM and it gets stronger each time you do it!

So how do you feel about making 2017 a year about living from your deepest desires? Of saying YES to your passions and living from your heart? What if you could start right now! What if you never had to live in the " what if" ever again. What if you made the decision right now to step into your power and say YES TO YOU?

Really getting this deeper level mindset work is a key building block of what I teach in Living Brilliant Mastermind, in fact I would say it is a huge part of the personal growth component. Of course I teach the systems and structures to build a solid online business with clarity and clients but what is life changing is that it completely transforms you as a women and entrepreneur from the inside out!

And The First Step is Right Here.

Having peer support and a true sisterhood that understands and is going through the same transformations and upleveling can change everything. Community is so important and masterminds such as this one provide the opportunity to really grow and develop with a tribe who “gets” who you are and where you are going. You don’t need to do this alone!

This high vibe, intimate mastermind, Living Brilliance, is about just that. It is about stepping into mastery of the brilliance of who you are as a person and therefore allowing you to shine as a coach and online entrepreneur. Its about starting the new year with a decision to make 2017 the year you step into your power fully, own your worth and serve in the way you are meant to- the way that you were born to serve on this planet!

This is for you:

If you're a 2 feet in kinda gal and you are DONE paying small If you're 100% COMMITTED to your success If you WILL do what it takes, no matter what If you know 2017 is YOUR year (for real)

Get started with me and your mastermind sisters HERE today :),

Shelley x.

PS- WE have only ONE space left for the Free Intensive 1:1 Bonus with me and the $100.00 discount expires on Dec 23rd! Have questions?

Reply here or fill out the application and lets chat! :)









2017: Let's Do This. #quitplayingsmall

With the holiday season upon us, I know you are swamped with answering emails, writing copy and figuring out how to grow your biz…while also fitting in errands, parties, yoga classes and fulfilling client sessions, so thanks for taking the time for you right here. You might also be spending these days deep in thought on the year passed and all that you accomplished  and how much you have grown and where you are heading with 2017 just around the corner…while buying gifts, attending parties and visiting loved ones of course :) 

One of the beautiful things about this time of year  is that it is an opportunity for us to take a pause as well. Going into the winter solstice is a time when the earth gets quiet and we can embrace reflection and quiet, to really look at what we want for ourselves in our lives both in and outside of business. You may have had some really hard times this year in life, relationship, health or business and some deep desires about what you are ready to manifest in the coming months.

You may be in a state of pure joy and celebration…or you may feel a sense of frustration and angst which is hard to admit, especially at this time of year. When those thoughts of not doing enough, or having enough..or not BEING enough sneak in, it can be all consuming and can create a ripple effect of sadness, loss, fear…and even depression. Whats can even be more frustrating here is that believing that your desires are just not sign to happen then blocks you off from receiving the very gifts you so deserve! 

So if you are feeling joyful and excited about what is to come, and you already to transform your life in all areas this year- fantastic! And if instead you are feeling that blockage and are uncertain you have what it takes, then take a few minutes to feel it, process it…then let it go. Because the truth is- you would not be here right now, reading this, if you were not meant to be an inspired and empowered coach; if you were not meant to have all your dreams come true.

Its all on its way dear one! Whatever you have been working so hard on this year, and wherever you have focused your energies- they are not wasted! Time takes time- something I have learned along the way…and asking for help is never a bad thing either!

Here's the thing: You are not stuck. You are not helpless- and you can have it ALL! Really! If you are feeling that low energy then process it- let it all out, then seek support and take a step forward every day! Growth is about deciding to let go of playing small…in ALL areas of life and sometimes the universe gives us little reminders about that…just like this one ;) I want to put out a hand for those of you who are closing the year feeling ready. Ready to make things happen. Ready to follow your dreams. Ready to grow, change and empower others. Ready to be in your power and highest vibration! 

We are now taking applications for Living Brilliance Mastermind; an intimate group of 12 women who will be learning, growing and manifesting together in ALL areas of life! If you are ready to say hello to the next best version of yourself and to create what you know deep down you are meant to in your business, then we need to chat :) Its time to look ahead and live brilliantly from this moment forward!

Here’s the thing…there are a whole lot of courses out there these days that talk about systems and structures or “how to” steps and formulas…the problem with those is, they don’t teach you much about real client attraction, how to grow a sustainable business and how to sell. The even bigger issue is that these programs do very little to target the biggest issue of all- the personal development that is necessary to develop a long term, successful business. Every client I have ever worked with has needed to address what was going on inside in order to succeed on the outside, be it mindset, boundaries or confidence and clarity in and with themselves. In order to show up 100% and be seen as an expert, you must BE and feel, as you are that expert on the inside.

You must be ready an able to show up and feel good doing it. Many people do not realize that to be the superstar in their business, they must become the superstar in their own lives- from mindset to self-love and confidence. Without transforming your own blocks and challenges, there is very little point in learning the tools and strategies of online business. And here's the thing:You don’t need to do this alone! This high vibe, intimate mastermind, Living Brilliance, is about just that. It is about stepping into mastery of the brilliance of who you are as a person and therefore allowing you to shine as a coach and online entrepreneur.

Fill out the application and come with all your questions. I look forward to chatting to see if this is a fit for you! And if its not- how we can get you to massive momentum and deep manifestation regardless! CLICK HERE FOR LIVING BRILLIANT :)

This time of year is an opportunity. Its about about the ability to start fresh with a decision to make 2017 the year you step into your power fully, own your worth and serve in the way you are meant to- the way that you were born to serve on this planet! And I have your back every step of the way! 

Let's make magic this year Conscious Coaches!

xo Shelley

PS- Oops, I forgot to mention that we are offering a $100 coupon for anyone who is part of our special community on Facebook: Conscious Coaching Entrepreneur Facebook Group! Be sure to let me know you are a member!

PPS- First 8 masterminders receive a free 90 minute Intensive in December - only 2 left, so don't hesitate one this one- you deserve it!



Sad, Ashamed and Totally Confused!

Hey Beauty, Im really glad you are here. It means that you are ready to move forward in your business- and your life. That you get that you are meant for more. Let me share with you a little about myself and my journey in case we haven't met..or I haven't shared enough about who I am over the past while..I can forget to do that sometimes!

I’m Shelley Ugyan, conscious success coach and founder of The Living Brilliant Mastermind and the Insight Advantage Formula. After transforming myself from being a bored and worn out teacher making $40K per year (plus having $60K of debt and loans) to now owning a six figure international conscious coaching and empowerment brand, I’ve experienced first-hand that it IS possible to make money doing what you love, make a positive impact on the lives of others and enjoy a beautiful lifestyle. I’ve now dedicated my life to empowering other women to create their dream businesses and manifest their desires.

If you’re just starting out—or starting over—and wondering if YOU can do this… I get it.

Our biggest dreams are often crushed when pursued incorrectly. If you’re like me, you may have even started and stopped multiple times!

Or maybe you’re just getting going, wary of the pitfalls that the naysayers warn you of. And maybe you’re just not sure if you have what it takes…


Not that long ago, I was a failure at my own coaching business, despite the fact that I was a GREAT coach. I was working 70 hour weeks and only bringing in $2500/ month max..while putting out tens of thousands of dollars in training!

I hated feeling like there was more, but just not knowing how to get there…

I felt sad, ashamed…. and totally confused. I wondered what was wrong with me.

Here I was with a Bachelors in Education, and half way through a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology, with 10 years experience in cognitive behavioral therapy, over $100,000 worth of training and decades mentoring others in cognitive techniques and mindfulness in places like Tibet, Thailand, London and India. I knew I had talent and the ability to serve, but my talent was 99.9% untapped. I wanted so badly to open the tap, let it all out, and flood the world and my life with goodness.


It wasn’t until I made the decision that I would no longer settle for this unfulfilling life—until I decided that what I desired was actually my divine destiny—that things began to turn around.

I stopped waiting for someone to recognize me or rescue me, and instead took total responsibility. I got real about what I wanted in life and manifested the money for the best mentorship I could find. I also finally learned what I needed to manage a business and, more importantly, myself.

In just a few short years I transformed my “unworthy” belief system, my distorted “money” story  and my “visibility” fears. I truly transformed my entire life.


I’m blessed to be in the position to help transform the lives of 12 amazing conscious women who are ready to do just that!

So What is Living Brilliance?

The Living Brilliance Mastermind is an in-depth 6-month program that can be accessed online and includes bi-weekly modules, weekly live coaching calls, plus a 20 minute laser coaching 1:1 monthly with Shelley. Not only that, but you will also have full access to a " Write and Publish a Book" Course in the Spring as part of the Mastermind. All of this to show you step-by-step how to create your dream business (including figuring out who you’re meant to serve, developing a brand you love plus making the money you deserve).

Who is Living Brilliance For?

You are woman who is done settling in all areas of life and you are ready to follow your dreams and create the dream life you have always desired! You understand that your business growth is equal to and proportionate to your own personal growth and development and you are ready to show up fully and receive support in abundance, while bringing an attitude of readiness, courage and passion to the tribe and your profound work!

Whether you are already making 5 figures, are starting a business from scratch or you have no idea what business to start, this is for you…as long as you will do whatever it takes to succeed!

Heres what we will dig into:

Cultivating boundaries Letting go of resistance and self-sabotage FOR GOOD The Coach Approach Communication Systems and Structures for Brilliant Online Positioning  Personal development and Wealth Mindset Mastering sales in authenticity and power Branding as uniquely YOU Creating Discovery Calls and ongoing relationships DAILY Staying focused and confident Making offers and creating programs

When you are 100% solid in WHO you are as a woman, you will be clear and confident in your business. This is where success is born! When you are clear about what you desire and where you are going- without compromise, you will manifest your hearts desire! In the next 6 months we are going to get very clear on just that. Who you are and what you want…without compromise!

Application and Info here: Living Brilliant Mastermind

Can't wait to see you on the inside..and if this is not for you, no problem!… Be sure to say hello in our Conscious Coaching Facebook Group. I have a bit of bandwidth before this starts to help out anymore who needs it- no strings attached! If you are stuck, need someone to run an idea by… or just want to look at the year to come Im happy to help in any way I can!

In Love and Unity,


PS- I am offering a free 1:1 intensive for the first 6 who sign up for Living Brilliance Mastermind…and we have only 1 spot left! Reply here with any questions at all :)

PPS- If you are a part of the Conscious Coaching Facebook Group- use the coupon below towards your entry to Living Brilliant :)


Little Pep Talk- Big Message :)

When you look back over your time in business, do you feel as though you have been in 100%, not only with energy, but also with alignment and clarity on how and who you serve?

Or did you hold yourself back? Not allowing yourself to fully dive in with both feet, because of fear or hesitation of some kind?

You thought you might not make it
You didn't think you were ready
You were way too busy

Or you simply didn't know if you COULD?

Most new entreprenerus deny themselves of fully stepping into their business, they deny themselves of things they want, because they simply don't ALLOW themselves to have it. They are constantly denying themselves of what they want, what feels good.

But listen,
You DO have what it takes.
You ARE ready.
You AREN'T too busy.

What you don't have, and what you NEED to have, is the ability to tell yourself YES. Practice saying yes to yourself over and over and over again.
Because YOU are important, your needs and your wants are important, your feelings and desires are important!

Let yourself fully embrace this opportunity. I'm not saying to raid your savings account and go buy every training that comes around. I'm not saying to quit your day job if it is providing stability as you build your business. And I'm most definitely not saying to ignore your gut and listen to what everyone else in business is telling you.

What I AM saying is that you need to stop saying no to YOU. You MUST be 100% in if you want to succeed.
Take action on that NOW. Your gut never, ever lies. If it's telling you that you need to do this thing…

DO IT. Without thinking. Without second-guessing. Without over-analyzing.
Just say YES to the what and figure out the how later. The how always becomes apparent as soon as you allow yourself to trust your gut and take action immediately.

It's amazing what incredible things can happen when you just allow yourself to trust your gut!
I remember when I hired my last coach for over $20,000. My gut said I had to do it, my head was like "… NO, that's way too much money"! I had no idea where the money would come from, but because my gut said YES, I knew I had to find a way to make it happen.

So I said yes, and had half of it covered in less than a month.
The money continues to flow, I have paid off my coach with ease, and learned so much from him that I know my investment was well worth it.
When I listen to myself, and trust with two feet in, I have never regretted it.
Do that- just listen, and trust…you wont regret it- I promise!

P.S. If you want someone, in addition to your GUT, to show you the way to create massive success in your business, here's how I can help -
*Only 4 Spaces Left: 3 Month Business Intensive
Contact me here ( for details and to set up an application :)
What it is?

Private coaching for 3 full months with full email support and live contact!

 Are you ready?

 Learn more Here! 

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How to Clear Blocks and Get Unstuck..Its Not What you Think

How do you really clear those suffocating blocks that prevent your from creating the abundance you want and enable you to start feeling clear, confident and successful as a coach?

Most coaches will tell you to pick up a book on money mindset and to start throwing those affirmations on your fridge on a daily basis.They might encourage Tony Robins podcasts and perhaps a self help seminar. And all of these are okay options..but they will not clear the blocks for good.

What most people don't understand is really how our thoughts affect our patterns, behavior and overall life trajectory, and that there is a specific process to really shake things up here- and shift them altogether! Its about really shifting the internal thermostat of your thinking blueprint altogether! let me break it down for you…

If the weather gets warm outside the temperature rises inside, but eventually falls back to that regulated thermostat shortly thereafter SO, you have to change the thermostat in order to have consistency. The same is true in your life; the thermostat can only change to the extent that you do. Identifying and changing your ‘thermostat’ is the catalyst for the change you seek.

Ok, So WHY change this darn internal thermostat so you STAY free of blocks and discouragement, overwhelm and lack of clarity??

  • This way you can respond appropriately rather than reacting to events and situations by the fears and insecurities of the past-conscious choice.
  • You will start to see that the conditioning is not who you are but who you learned to be.
  • You start to realize, It is all about perception: nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it
  • Thoughts lead to feelings which lead to action which lead to results..and so in this process your RESULTS change simply by you doing this work!!!

I am committed to helping coaches break through these blocks for good and making momentum while being congruent in their practice- this is SO, so important. I see too many coaches trying to do the things that are not connected to their purpose or their brand, and feeling stuck and frustrated day after day.

My 1:1 practice will be shifting in the new year and so I am offering a very intimate opportunity for only six, 1:1 mentorship spots for the next three months ( Oct- Jan). These spots are only for those who are ready to move forward powerfully in their business in the new year and want to create a solid income as a coach in 2017 with systems, structure and a powerful mindset in place. If you are a self starter and committed to your won growth and development, this might be a fit for you! 3 Month Mentorship Program here!

I have 5 spaces left and these will go quickly! Here is the link to learn more and feel free to reach out with any questions at all. (

Im here to serve and I look forward to clearing blocks and creating abundance before 2017 hits! You with me? Lets rock 2017, cuz you deserve it!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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Its my Birthday… And I Have a little Something to Say :)

Today is my birthday..and Im sharing to thank you all…and I felt maybe you could relate to my intention ;)

…from one holistic entrepreneur to another :)

It has been such an interesting year with so many gifts to be open to receive and also challenges to stay present for...

Just the gift of another year on the planet is enough to be grateful for but to have so much love and blessings in my life feels overwhelming today. Work that I feel committed and passionate about, a vision that excites me to my core, sweet friends and loved ones and so many opportunities for growth and change!

I realize that the last few months and recovering from an accident I have had to surrender so many things and the way I thought my life would be going this year… But in that I have received so many gifts I had no idea were around the corner. New fulfilling relationship, new partnerships, an opportunity for deeper self-care and a real chance to get to know myself on another level.
Thank you for walking this journey with me, supporting me, sharing your truth, and being part of my life. I'm so excited for what is about to unfold😊

My intention this year is to live in more joy and humor! I can be so serious and my challenge is sometimes to embrace the reality that ultimately things don't make sense! The only thing that truly makes sense is letting go of anything we continue to hold onto… and this year I intend to do it with a smile😊

"We need to bring a sense of humour to all aspect of our lives – even to positive aspects such as well-being, harmony, and peace. When we take these things too seriously, Joy becomes pain, peace becomes annoying, and harmony becomes contrived. To have genuine have any, peace, and joy, we need to cut through seriousness with a sense of humor."- Dzigar Kongtrula25r6838

I am asking of my friends and colleagues to share their own TIPS on how to keep smiling, regardless of what is going on- What do you do to "keep the humour"? I would love to know :)

Thank-you for being you, for being part of my community here, and for continuing to support me on mine. I am so grateful- and today I want to just thank YOU!

In Unity and Freedom :)


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Now THAT was fun! Super Insane One Time Offer Inside!

Today was just awesome and it feels so good to be finishing off that incredible 5 day challenge on leadership with so many fabulous LEADERS!!

Now if you caught that lifestream today, you might be asking yourself…

Have I gone crazy???
Well..maybe ;) …But thats not why I am offering this INCREDIBLE one time offer to help you take this 5 day challenge to the next level and leverage the momentum you have created this week!!!
Did you watch video 5 yet??? If not, be sure to go there first: VIDEO 5!

I am opening up 6 spaces (only 5 left now) to work 1:1 and hep you create solid congruency, and break through the the areas that are keeping you stuck in your biz! We are going too create massive momentum and have you kicking into high gear for the Month of October!!!


What is your investment? ONLY $47.00 USD!

Here are the juicy details! :)
1. Two 1:1 20 minute power clarity calls to get you into massive momentum and start October out right!
2. Four days rolling of unlimited email support from yours truly! ( access to me like this is incredibly limited)
3. An opportunity to create a 30 day plan to take your monthly income to the next level!
4. Clear, essential steps to get you congruent with where you are at!
5. Simple but Essential Homework Assignments over the 4 days to get you creating with power, joy and confidence rather than being stuck in fear, stagnancy and disconnect!

So who's ready to take INSPIRED action and start moving forward off the tail of this inspiring and powerful challenge??

Only 5 spots left! Be sure to email me or respond here ASAP to hold your spot!!!

In Unity and Freedom,
Shelley :)

PS- Calls Start Sept 26th but first come first serve for spots..these will go immediately so don't wait!

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Day 3 and 4 Have Been Amazing! 5 Days of Conscious Leadership Training!

Wow! Thats all I can say!

Its been so inspiring to watch everyone dive into the Conscious Leadership Challenge with both feet this week and the breakthrough's have been so incredible to watch!

What most leaders are beginning to understand is that we absolutely MUST have a solid foundation in order to build a successful empire. And this is the very step that is often missed out in most business and coaching training. It may not be as sexy as webinars and blogs..but it is absolutely ESSENTIAL!

Here's the thing you need to realize about your community -

They want YOU. All of you.

They don't want your fancy program

They don't your blueprints and checklists

They don't want your slides and videos and content

They simply want you. BUT they want the YOU that is congruent and authentic to her message and really passionate about her direction and her values!

On Day 3 (GO here)I dove into Congruency and on Day 4 (GO here), it was all about that juicy word we all know so well…COMMITMENT!

If you haven't watched the lifestreams in the Conscious Coaching Entrepreneurs Facebook Group- be sure to jump over there now and catch up..because DAY 5 is going to be a game changer tomorrow!

See you there at 12 noon PST in the group!


In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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Day 2 of 5 Day Challenge..Transparency and Leadership = SALES!

Wowzers! That was such a fun lifestream today and thanks for jumping on to engage in todays challenge around being transparent and really cultivating a powerful intro message!

I would love to hear your take- aways so far so be sure to post below! And if you didn't get a chance to watch Day 2 of the challenge, go HERE to watch the live stream! :)

Today I talked about the 2nd Pillar of Leadership: Transparency and my invitation in the challenge today was to practice being your transparent self by putting together a short intro on who you are and what you do…in 5 simple steps! Be sure to watch the live video because this is NOT what you think..and it WORKS!

I am so pumped to jump on tomorrow and share DAY 3…. See you there! 

In Unity and Freedom :)


PS- Not a member of the Conscious Coaching Entrepreneurs Facebook Group yet? NO problemo! Come join the fun HERE!


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Challenge, Day 2 Tomorrow! Mastering Pillar #2: Leadership!

Hey everyone! Great to have you on the live stream today!

If you missed it, not to worry- I will share the 12 questions for your challenge below!… and here is the link to catch up!

Watch the lifestream from Day 1 HERE!

Ok, did you head on over for the juicy training on Mastering Values for success? Pillar #1 is all about AUTHENTICITY and values are a HUGE component! Ok..go over and watch the lifestream now :)

….Now that your back, lets dig in!

Your challenge again is to fin your personal hierarchy of values!

Don't forget for each one you are doing the most, then the second most, then the third most. Three answers for each! I can't wait to watch your videos this week! Post away in the Conscious Coaching FB Group!😊🌟

1. How do you fill your time the most?
2. What energizes you the most?
3. How do you spend money the most? On what?
4. Where are you organized the most?
5. Where are you the most reliable, disciplined and focused?
6. What inwardly do you think about the most? In other words what are your innermost dominant thoughts?
7. What do you visualize and realize the most( in other words, what do you visualize most about how you would love your life to be – that is gradually showing fruits and coming into reality?)
8. what do you internally dialogue with yourself mostly about?
9. What do you talk most about in social settings?
10. What inspires you or are you inspired by the most?
11. What is your most consistent long-term goal?… Stretch yourself for this!
12. What are the topics of study that inspire you the most? In other words, where do you find yourself mostly at the bookstore? What TV documentaries draw you?

I look forward to watching your videos and hearing what your top five values are and how this will help your business!

Are you just joining in now? Now worries! Be sure to head on over the Conscious Coaching Entrepreneurs Facebook Group now to watch Video ONE posted today!

I will be live in the group tomorrow for Day 2 at 10 am pst- See you there!!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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Day 1 Training: 5 Pillars of Leadership Starts Tuesday, 13th!

Conscious Coaches!

Im more than excited to share with you the 5 levels of Leadership this week in a magnetic and interactive training where you will be asked to practice your own tools and techniques while receiving mastery level training on these essential coaching elements!

Tomorrow ( Tuesday, Sept. 13) at 9.45 am PST I will be live in the Conscious Coaching Entrepreneurs Facebook Group so be sure to join us there to participate in this high level training. Day 1 is all about ( drum roll please)…AUTHENTICITY!

Have a peek here on what to expect and mark your planners- can't wait to play with you in the Conscious arena of coaching tomorrow!


Sweet Dreams!

In Unity and Freedom :)






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Why I spent over $140,000 in Personal Growth and Development..

This week I signed up for my 3rd coaching mentorship/ personal development this year ( since Jan). I have spent over $60,000 in training over the past year alone and over $80,000 in the 5 years leading up to my biz.

I share this because I am not rich.

I have not had this money set aside for training.

I do not live with a man who brings in a second income. And I do not have family support and never have. I have been on my own since I was 18.

I am committed. That is all. I am a 2 feet in kinda gal.

I want this. I deserve this. I will make it and I will serve millions because I know my purpose and I believe in my mission very, very deeply. This is really the only reason why I KNOW I will thrive.

What I see consistently with coaches is that the focus become so heavily concentrated on the "outer tools" that the inner resources never have a chance to unfold, never have an opportunity to develop and create a solid base.


The mentor I am working with now said something to me that I will never forget- and its something I know in my soul because its been my experience.… I asked him why he wasn't asking me a million questions about my business out of the gate- like, he didn't ask any details about the work I really did on our first meeting!

His response was, " Because I don't work with businesses, I work with people. I don't care about the business- I care about you- what YOU are doing."

Hello! Yes! If you work on yourself, your business will grow. period. best personal development out there is to start a biz..but only if you step in with both feet. Making the decision to do this is the hardest part when you are new..after you really make this decision- the rest is history.

I don't think we should be running around buying this program and that workshop- not at all. But I think if you are in business and you are not ALWAYS working on yourself in some capacity, you are inevitably moving backwards- not forwards. This is why my coaching programs ALL offer a personal component.

If we are not doing our own "work" as coaches- how can we expect our clients to?

Im committed to the conscious coaching model, being present for personal development and real change- because I want results. My own, for my clients and for my colleagues as well.

Would love to hear your thoughts :)

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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